Login to User or Agent Profile

Login to user profile:

After the registration, the user will be authorized to access the user’s profile page. This page will usually provide information about user’s personal details,  transactions, payment history, subscription history etc.

The user can change the password by selecting change password option. The popup appears with the reset option. If you cannot see the popup, then you have to deactivate your popup blocker on your browsers.

User can also change the personal details by selecting change personal details. The popup appears with the existing details of the user; you can modify the details. If you cannot see the popup, then please use the modern browsers.

Login agent profile:

In exceptional cases and as a registered client through agent, the system provides special option to create and maintain your registrations details. Agents should Select manage client option and add new client details. Please fill the required sections correctly. After successfully adding a client, agents will be able to see the added entry in the client details table.

Please note: You have to add the details of clients before subscribing. This is an important part, please see the subscription method for more details.

If the user cannot log in to his/her profile, please contact us.