Access for Libraries and Universities

After the registration and log in, the library or the agent will be authorized to subscribe for a specific journal.

  1. Library has to subscribe online access through agent or direct
  2. Agent/ Library has to send us the IP addresses (  or
  3. The payment for subscription has be done in advance
  4. When the library sent us the IP addresses and pays for the subscription, it will have access
  5. Make sure that the IP addresses of computers in library are the same with IP addresses which have sent us
  6. Library user can get online access by their identification (Name of library)
  7. The user has to go to “subscribe now” and select the library’s name which is in the list

The user does not need to have user name and password to have access.



1-The Journal Subscription Company/Agency  have the possibility to subscribe for one library user  at time, only. If the subscription is to be made for many libraries, the subscription fees must be paid separately for each library, respectively.
We need to receive detailed information about the contact person, email, address of each library, as well as copy of the subscription fee.

2-University/Faculty/ Institute  have the possibility to subscribe for one institute or faculty or university or library at time, only. If the subscription to be made for many institutions or libraries, the subscription fees must be paid separately paid for each institution or library. We need to have details and contact person, email, address of each institute.

We do not accept one subscription for multiple users / clients or libraries or institutions

IP: We want  normal IP address(es) in order to configure it into our system.
    Provide us with full range of IP in IP V4 format.
Exp: Do not send  IP address  as  a  METAPRESS ID# 539-29-272