Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Influence of regulated deficit irrigation and mulch in reduction vegetative growth and increase fruit yield on Williams pear
Lavdim Lepaja *,
Endrit Kullaj, Kujtim LepajaRecieved Date: 2015-12-22, Accepted Date: 2016-03-24
Abstract:Experiments related to deficit irrigation and particularly regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) or partial rootzone drying (PRD) depend heavily on weather conditions. This field experiment on Williams pear trees on BA29 rootstock, was designed to assess the vegetative and productive response to water stress by regulated deficit irrigation together with mulch. Using a water budged methodology, four levels of irrigation, specifically 100% of evapotranspiration (ET) as control and water deficits in 80% of full ET, 60% of full ET and 40% of full ET, were applied during the season to 10 trees, 5 of which were mulched by a 20 cm layer. The experiment was conducted in Kosovo (Dukagjini Plain) during 2015 (third year of experiment) on a pear orchard of 10 ha using a nested experimental design. Using ANOVA two-way with post hoc testing we found significant changes in a series of vegetative and productive parameters. Our results confirmed that a moderate water stress increased yield while reducing excessive vegetative growth. Regulated deficit irrigation (40%) contributed to the reduction on leaf surface, leaf area, LAI, shoot length and canopy volume. In addition, RDI affected to increase fruit numbers but decreasing fruit size. Compared with first year of experiment during 2015 in treatment 40% yield was achieved 5 kg more than in 2013 year. Except this, mulching had a positive effect on all parameter values measured compared to non-mulched trees. Our result indicated that regulated deficit irrigation can be successfully applied to pear also, RDI is an ideal water saving technique.
Keywords:Water stress,
RDI, Pyrus communis, increase production, wood chipsJournal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2016
Volume: 14
Issue: 2
Category: Agriculture
Pages: 91-94
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