Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment

Evaluation of different detachment methods for the bacterial recovery from parsley surface


Günseli Bobuş-Alkaya*, Esma Eser*, H. İbrahim Ekiz

Recieved Date: 2015-12-02, Accepted Date: 2016-03-27


Reliable quantification of microbial growth in food samples has typically been difficult primarily due to the complicacy of food matrices. Therefore, initial sampling and resuspension procedures become critical to the subsequent determination of microbial load. This paper presents a comparison of bacteria recovery methods. Vortexing, homogenization with ultraturrax and stomaching methods were used to remove cells from the parsley surface. For this purpose three types of parsley (the small, curly and large leaf structure) were inoculated with non-pathogenic Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 strain by the initial levels of 9.5, 6 and 3 log cfu/ml bacterial culture. Detachment methods were applied and all methods yielded the approximately equal number of bacteria for each inoculation level. Means of recovered bacteria number were found as 8.1, 6.1 and 2.6 log cfu/g, respectively. It was concluded that E. coli was recovered in large amounts using all methods. Additionally, total number of aerobic bacteria and total coliform bacteria counts of parsley samples which were purchased from retail markets were determined for sixteen different samples and found as approximately 5.3 cfu/g log level.


Parsley, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, bacterial recovery, detachment methods

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
Year: 2016
Volume: 14
Issue: 2
Category: Food and Health
Pages: 34-37

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